Memiliki visi To be the Finest School in the World dan Misi Taqwa, Cerdas, Kreatif
Alfa Centauri Senior High School has the vision To be the Finest School in the World and the mission to make its students to form a generation of piety, intelligence and creativity.
Sejak 2006, banyak siswa diterima di PTN favorit seperti ITB, UNPAD, UPI, dll
Since 2006, many students have been accepted at ITB, UNPAD, UPI, and various other state universities.
Tatap muka (sebelum pandemi), Online (synchronous/Asynchronous), Hybrid (Gabungan tatap muka & online)
Various learning systems are applied in everyday learning, such as face-to-face, online and hybrid learning
Program Kelas Bahasa Inggris untuk guru, siswa dan karyawan
English Class Program for teachers, students and employees
Dewasa ini kebutuhan akan pendidikan berkualitas semakin meningkat. SMA Alfa Centauri dengan berbagai program unggulannya berusaha menjawab tantangan tersebut. Didirikan pada Juli 2003 oleh Sony Sugema (alm), SMA Alfa Centauri semakin dipercaya masyarakat karena telah berhasil meloloskan siswa/inya ke berbagai perguruan tinggi favorit dalam dan luar negeri. Sejak 2006 telah banyak siswa diterima di UI, ITB, UNPAD, UGM, ITS, UPI, IPB, UNDIP, UIN, UNIBRAW, dan berbagai PTN lainnya. Prestasi alumninya pun membanggakan.
Kualitas kami didukung oleh fasilitas memadai seperti kelas ber-AC lengkap dengan audio visual, guru-guru yang kompeten, media pembelajaran interaktif, internet 24 jam, staf konsultan siswa matpel UN/UTBK, ruang multimedia, tim Psikologi & LSU, English Club, dan 18 jenis ekstrakurikuler.
Hal ini semua disiapkan untuk menciptakan bintang-bintang dunia akhirat yang berakhlak mulia dan berprestasi. SMA Alfa Centauri memiliki visi To be the Finest School in the World dan misi Membentuk Generasi Taqwa, Cerdas, Kreatif. Di bawah Yayasan Taqwa Cerdas Kreatif, SMA Alfa Centauri memberi kesempatan kepada siswa kurang mampu dengan kuota 20% setiap tahunnya. Dalam membangun karakter siswa,
Dalam membangun karakter siswa, SMA Alfa Centauri memiliki 7 target karakter yaitu:
Today the need for better quality education is increasing. Alfa Centauri High School with its various featured programs tries to accept the Global challenges. Founded in July 2003 by Sony Sugema (late), Alfa Centauri Senior High School is increasingly trusted by the public because it has succeeded in passing its students to various favourite state University and abroad. Since 2006, many students have been accepted at UI, ITB, UNPAD, UGM, ITS, UPI, IPB, UNDIP, UIN, UNIBRAW, and various other state universities. The alumni’s achievements are also outstanding.
Alfa Centauri Senior High School is increasingly trusted by the public because it has succeeded in passing its students to various favourite state University and abroad. Since 2006, many students have been accepted at UI, ITB, UNPAD, UGM, ITS, UPI, IPB, UNDIP, UIN, UNIBRAW, and various other state universities. The alumni’s achievements are also outstanding...
Our quality is supported by adequate facilities such as air-conditioned classes complete with audio-visual devices, competent teachers, interactive learning media, 24-hour internet, student consultant staff for UN/UTBK subjects, multimedia room, Psychology & Learning Supporting Unit team, English Club, and 18 types of extracurricular activities.
This is all designed to make students successfully having noble character and achievement and great life in this world and the hereafter. SMA Alfa Centauri vision is to be the Finest School in the World and the mission is to form a generation of piety, intelligence, creativity. by the Taqwa Cerdas Kreatif Foundation, SMA Alfa Centauri provides opportunities for underprivileged students 20% Allotment / Year.
In developing student character, SMA Alfa Centauri are concern on 7 basic cores of noble characters, namely:
Penguatan Kompetensi Sains dalam Pembelajaran
Statistik Siswa/i yang di terima di PTN
Setiap event Ujian seperti UTS, UAS dilaksanakan menggunakan media komputer secara online.
Digital based activity in teaching and learning has become commonplace. We implement an online learning system, Hybrid learning, and even online exams
Selain Terintegrasi dengan LMS canvas, konten pembelajran online sangat interaktif dengan paduan Nearpod, Zoom, Teams, Genially dan Microsoft One Note
Blended learning by using one of the best learning management systems in the world, namely CANVAS LMS which supported by the integration of various types of learning Apps, such as Nearpod, Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Genially and Microsoft One Note
jaringan folio yang menampilkan prestasi siswa seperti pencapaian, proyek dan kompetisi yang diikuti serta berhasil menjadi juara.
A portfolio network system that makes it easier for students to represent their work, projects or even the competition achievements they have won.
Siswa dan guru akan diberikan akun sekolah khusus yang terintegrasi dengan layanan microsoft 365 (seperti microsoft word, powerpoint, excel,Teams one note, dll)
Availability of microsoft 365 accounts for students, and teachers that are integrated with various premium microsoft features such as word, powerpoint, excel, team, one note, etc.
Portal khusus siswa untuk melihat informasi dan menginput tugas - tugas rutin, dan portal orangtua untuk melihat berbagai informasi siswa/i nya
a teacher and student education portal are designed to viewing information and inputting routine assignments, and a parent portal to access various student information.
Ruang kelas pembelajaran dilengkapi dengan internet 24 jam, projector tiap kelas, CCTV tiap kelas, AC tiap kelas, dan terdapat ruang multimedia.
Classrooms equipped with 24-hour internet, projector for each class, CCTV for each class, air conditioning for each class, and there is a multimedia room.
SMA Alfa centauri Terakreditasi A oleh Badan Akreditasi Nasional Sekolah/Madrasah
Alfa Centauri High School Accredited A by the National Accreditation Board for Schools/Madrasah
SMA Alfa Centauri Memiliki Program English class, TOEFL, Tahfidz al-Quran, SAAH(Satu ayat atau hadist) sebelum pembelajaran, Gerakan Literasi, Reading Challenge, Book Creator, olimpiade, Program alumni, Parents Day, OSIS MPK, dan masih banyak lainnya.
Alfa Centauri SMA has excellent programs such as English class, TOEFL, Tahfidz al-Quran, SAAH (One verse or hadith) before learning, Literacy Movement, Reading Challenge, Book Creator, Olympics, alumni program, Parents Day, MPK Student Council, and many more other.
Siswa akan mendapatkan tambahan belajar dari bimbel Sony sugema College (SSC) untuk memperisapkan diri dalam ujian masuk Perguruan Tinggi Negri.
Students are getting additional Tutoring from Sony Sugema College (SSC) in order to prepare for the State College entrance exam.